lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

Homework Tuesday 2nd June (1º ESO)

Morning kids!
Let's star watching a video about the Past Simple. It's very important, so pay attention!

Así como acabas de ver, para formar la negativa e interrogativa utilizamos el auxiliar de pasado DID. En la negativa, DID+NOT= DIDN'T + verbo  infinitivo:
He watched a film last Saturday→ He didn't watch a film last Saturday.
They climbed a mountain two years ago→ They didn't climb a mountain two years ago.

In the QUESTIONS the order is different! En las preguntas, el orden sería:
DID + Subject+ verb infinitive?
Did Julia visit her grandparents on Thursday?
Did you study for the English test?
Now, let's go to page 83:
  • Read again the dialogue on page 82 and find the expressions in purple (Activity 4). Recuerda que esas expresiones temporales se suelen poner al final de las oraciones. ¿Qué significan las expresiones del recuadro (Activity 5)? Cópialas y tradúcelas en tu cuaderno.
  • Activities 6 and 7. First, complete the conversations with the listening and then write a similar dialogue. (Puedes ayudarte de las sugerencias o utilizar tus propias ideas).
  • Activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 (you can do them on Blink platform)
  • Do an interactive worksheet: click HERE . Cuando la acabes, haz click en TERMINADO, después en "comprobar mis respuestas" y hazle foto a la ficha con la nota para enviármela.

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