domingo, 23 de octubre de 2022

 Let's learn more about Halloween:

Thanks to "A place for sharing" for this great resource!

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

Go away, Big Green Monster!

 An interesting Genially with lots of activities and the story "Go away, Big Green Monster! for young kids. Thanks to Belén Junquera (@profeteacher_) for this wonderful resource!:

lunes, 6 de junio de 2022


 Learn the possessive adjectives with this short video:

And remember, for every pronoun we have a different possessive adjective:


👉Click on this link and do the interactive worksheet 😊

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2022

Let's go on a picnic! (1º)

 We're in Unit 6: Let's have a picnic! Here you are new contents to work at home. ¡Espero que te gusten!

And now, let's play some games!

👉Game 1

👉Game 2

👉Game 3

👉Game 4

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

martes, 19 de abril de 2022

There is/ there are...


Para decir lo que hay, utilizamos: 

👉THERE IS con singular: There is an ice-cream in the freezer. There is fruit in the plate.

👉THERE ARE con plural: There are some vegetables. There are grapes in the fruit salad.

Now, let's do some activities:

1. Game 1

Game 2

3. Game 3

4. Interactive worksheet

viernes, 15 de abril de 2022

Modal verbs: CAN -HAVE TO - MUST


More examples:

-She can drive a car but she can't rollerskate

-We can speak English but we can't speak Chinese.


What a mess! He has to tidy his room!

More examples:

-The Geography exam is next Tuesday, we have to/ need to study hard.

-There is a café at school, so you don't have to/ you don't need to bring your lunch, you can buy it there.


 More examples:

-You mustn't feed animals at the zoo, it's forbidden!

-You must be at school at 8.30 every day.

 Now, do the activities:

👉Slideshare must/ mustn't

👉Liveworksheets must/mustn't

👉game have to/don't have to

Past Simple of Regular verbs and To be

As you already know, the past of the verb To Be (ser/estar) has two forms: WAS and WERE. 

The past of REGULAR VERBS finishes in -ed:

visit - visited

listen - listened

like - liked (*when the verb ends in -e, just add the 'd')

stop - stopped (*when the verb ends in CVC and strong syllable, double the final consonant)

cry - cried (*when the verb ends in consonant + Y, change 'y' for 'i')

Let's practice with some videos and interactive games:

👉Game 1

👉Game 2 (some are irregular verbs)

👉Game 3(there was/there were)

Jolly Phonics.... 2nd part!

 Let's continue with the next Jolly Phonics groups 5, 6 and 7!:

It's my birthday!

La unidad 5 de 2º de Primaria trata sobre una fiesta de cumpleaños. It's Sarah's birthday! Trabajaremos el vocabulario de los alimentos y también la forma interrogativa de Have got (tener). En esta ocasión, os invito a que repaséis las entradas del blog que os enlazo a continuación, donde podéis encontrar mucho material (y otros enlaces nuevos que añado aquí):

👉Food Vocabulary

👉Singing by tens  and count to 100

👉Pirate treasure game (food)

👉Have got (tener)

👉Ficha interactiva (likes and dislikes)

👉Practice the ALPHABET

👉Numbers Quizizz and Numbers Interactive worksheet


Comenzamos unidad 5 en 1º de Primaria, en esta ocasión sobre mascotas (PETS): "I take Harry to the vet". Alex lleva a su mascota, Harry, al veterinario, y allí se encuentra con otras muchas mascotas. Vamos a trabajar el vocabulario de mascotas así como las habilidades de cada una (jump, hop, sing, walk). Os dejo unos vídeos y unos juegos interactivos muy divertidos:

👉Game 1
👉Game 2
👉Game 3
👉Game 4

miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2022

Irregular verbs don't make the past by adding -ed, they are different! (Los verbos irregulares no forman el pasado con -ed). Al final de tu libro tienes una lista con los 80 verbos irregulares más usados. Te preguntarás por qué aparecen varias columnas: aparece el verbo en infinitivo y su traducción a español, el pasado simple del verbo y otra columna con el participio (que más adelante utilizarás para formar tiempos verbales compuestos, habitualmente con HAVE delante).

How do we form a sentence in the past? Read the example:

(+) She had some cereal and milk for breakfast yesterday (verbo en pasado)

(-) She didn't have cereal and milk for breakfast yesterday (observa que el verbo va en infinitivo)
(?) Did she have cereal and milk for breakfast yesterday? (did + subject + infinitive)
Now, watch this video:

Extra interactive activities to study irregular verbs:

📌Irregular verbs 1

 📌Irregular verbs 2

📌Irregular verbs 3

📌Irregular verbs 4

📌Irregular verbs 5

📌Irregular verbs 6 


 Hi everyone!

Trabajamos la unidad de los juguetes en primero (toys), y para ello, os dejo unos enlaces interesantes que podemos también trabajar desde casa.




Aquí tienes algunos juegos y actividades online:

📌 Memory game: toys. CLICK HERE 

📌Interactive worksheet: toys. CLICK HERE

 📌Interactive worksheet: in/on/under/behind. CLICK HERE


jueves, 10 de febrero de 2022

The farm

 Welcome to Unit 4! Let's learn about the farm. Sing along!

Now, you can play games: 

1. Farm animals 1

2. Farm animals 2

3. Farm animals 3

And interactive worksheet here 

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2022

Readings 1st and 2nd ESO

Here you have available the listenings of the books we are reading in class. It is good to read them and listen to them at the same time.


lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Jolly Phonics

Este trimestre vamos a comenzar con la metodología Jolly Phonics para los alumnos de los primeros cursos. Con ella, los niños asimilan los sonidos de la lengua inglesa asociando grafía, dibujo, sonido y canciones que refuerzan el sonido de dicha grafía. De esta manera, se facilita el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura como lo harían en su lengua materna. Hay una canción para cada sonido. Empezamos con los primeros cuatro grupos de sonidos: