martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

It's Christmas!

 This year, we're learning a new song: I'm the happiest Christmas tree!

*os dejo aqui el enlace para que aprendáis el baile 😜:  DANCE

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

our digital text books

De nuevo la editorial Oxford nos ofrece un enlace para poder entrar en nuestro libro digital de manera mucho más sencilla, lo que es de agradecer. A continuación podéis pinchar en el libro de vuestro curso:



Now, play the games:

👉Game 1
👉Game 2


Learn the following song about prepositions of place:

And now, play the games, ready? Let's go:
👉Game 1
👉Game 2

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2023

This is Halloween!

 A famous song from the film "The Nightmare Before Christmas". Read the lyrics and sing along... you will never forget... ha ha haaaaaaa!

And here you are more song to learn Halloween vocabulary, it's easy and fun!:

Plus, some games:

sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2023


 Watch the story and learn the colours with cat and mouse... then, let's sing along!

Now, let's play some games:

sábado, 26 de agosto de 2023

Wh- questions

In this Genially there are 5 minigames about Wh- questions. Let's play!

*Thanks to Silvia Gimeno @maestranovata_ for her wonderful resources!

miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023

Wh- question words

 Remember the famous Wh- question words:

WHAT? (qué)
WHO? (Quién)
WHERE? (dónde)
 WHEN? (cuándo)
 WHY? (por qué)
 HOW? (cómo)

 Which word do you use to complete these questions?

1.    ....     is that girl? She's my sister.

2.    ....     do you live? We live in Manchester.

3.    ....     did you arrive late to school? Because I didn't feel well and I went to the doctor's.

4.    ....     are you feeling today? I feel tired, it's very late.

5.    ....     can you see over the mountain? I can see a bird!

6.    ....     do you go to karate classes? I go twice a week: on Mondays and Wednesdays.

👉 Now, let's play a game to review:

👉Finally, you are going to write about your favourite holidays (PAST SIMPLE VERBS). Use these questions:

  • When were your favourite holidays?
  • Where did you go?
  • Who did you go with?
  • What did you do?
  • How did you feel?
  • Would you like to go there again? Why?

viernes, 31 de marzo de 2023

Unit 5 (5º) At the department store

 Here you are some activities and games to work on Unit 5... but first, remember:

HAVE TO y DON'T HAVE TO sirven para expresan obligación ("tener que/ no tener que"):

-I have to take rubber boots, because it's raining (Yo tengo que llevar botas de agua porque está lloviendo)

-We don't have to wear a school uniform (nosotros  no tenemos que llevar puesto uniforme)

Hasta ahora, sencillo. Lo que pasa es que tenemos que observar que cuando el sujeto es 3ª persona del singular (he, she, it o algún equivalente como Mary, my brother, the cat...) el verbo cambia por HAS TO / DOESN'T HAVE TO:

-My sister has to take rubber boots (mi hermana tiene que llevar botas de agua)
-Thomas doesn't have to wear a school uniform (Thomas no tiene que llevar uniforme)
Now, let's review the Past Simple in questions:

lunes, 27 de marzo de 2023

Expressing abilities with can - can't

 CAN is used to express ability: 

I can play football but I can`t skateboard.

Can he dance? Yes, he can

Can your mum fly a kite? No, she can't

 Now, let's watch some videos: 


 And let's play Quizizz! Click here 🎮

Finally... some interactive activities!

👉Interactive worksheet can/can't 

👉Wordwall game can/can't

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023


 With the story "Brown Bear" we learn about different animals and colours:

Now, play these games:




Pete the cat

 A new funny story: "Pete the cat"

And now, let's play some games:


 We have been working on clothes with the story of Froggy and the song "Hurry up!". Children love them:

And thanks to @profeteacher Belén Junquera for this Genially💗

domingo, 22 de enero de 2023

The family

 Fantastic Genially with vocabulary and games about the topic: Family.


Thanks to Belén Junquera for this great material!